About this blog

Nice to meet you all (^_^)
Thank you for visiting “Pilot Husband Observation Diary”.
My husband works as a pilot for an airline that is considered one of the major airlines in Japan.
This blog is a diary of my pilot husband’s daily life.

It’s not very often that I get the chance to get to know pilots. Because there are only about 6,000 airline pilots in Japan.
Airplanes are cool just by looking at them, and you wonder what kind of people are on them.
And aren’t you curious about what kind of life pilots lead on a daily basis?
I used to imagine that they must be rich and lead an elegant life, eating fork-and-knife meals every day? I used to imagine all kinds of things.
But in reality, it is not like that.
If you have read my blog, you can imagine.

My husband is still a First-officer.
He has to grow every day until he becomes a captain from now on. I think that is also the interesting part of this blog. I don’t think you get a chance to see the process of growing up as a pilot very often. And I hope that he will FLIGHT around the world until he reaches retirement age and become an excellent pilot who is loved by everyone.
So please support me, everyone.

I hope that people who are interested in pilots, such as those who want to become pilots, those who are also pilots, those who are airplane enthusiasts, and those who want to marry a pilot, will find this blog.

I also travel a lot with my husband, so I will introduce hotels, tourist attractions, and delicious food that we have enjoyed staying at.
I will also tell you the story behind the airlines.

So, please look forward to it every day.

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